Coach / Massage Therapist

Brian Fischer

About Brian Fischer

A black and white icon of a check mark in a circle.

  • BA – University of Northern Iowa – Exercise Science, 2003
  • MS – Texas A&M University – Sports Physiology, 2006
  • NSCA - Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS, since 2006)
  • Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT, since 2002)
  • StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor – Level 2 (SFG 2, 2014-20)
  • Functional Movement Screen Level 2 Certified (since 2017)
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified (since 2017)
  • Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC – Level 1, 2018)
  • Licensed Massage Therapist, State of Iowa (LMT, since 2004)
  • Certified in Orthopedic Massage and Bodywork (since 2012)

Brian has devoted his entire professional career as a fitness coach and massage therapist to impacting the lives of others by working alongside his clients and athletes, helping them to take their next steps on their journey towards better health, fitness and performance. Brian believes that everyone can become a fitter and more athletic version of themselves, no matter how unfit or athletic they are now.

​Brian works hard to appreciate the value and importance of a fit lifestyle, for himself and those he works with. And as a still competing athlete of daily living who manages chronic back and knee issues, a business owner and entrepreneur, a husband, and father to two wonderful boys, Brian understands the challenges that people face trying to fit fitness into their everyday lives. He uses these experiences and extensive knowledge to provide outcome-based coaching in movement, recovery, nutrition and mindset to help develop training programs and massage therapy sessions specific to the needs and wants of each client and athlete he works with. Brian would love the opportunity to help coach, educate and inspire you to live, move and feel better, so you can do the things that you want and need to do in life!

Brian Fischer
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